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Raising the achievement of All

Most Able - Maths

The Mathematics department shares the school’s belief that every student should achieve his or her full potential. We seek to ensure that all students gain satisfaction when studying Mathematics and consider the Most Able to be an important group of students who require particular attention if they are to succeed.

Students who show a high level of flair and aptitude in their work at Icknield High School are identified as Most Able. If your son or daughter has been identified as Most Able by one of our teachers, this means they are already achieving a high level of success or demonstrating potential. We hope they will make good use of the opportunities for challenge in lessons and widen their experience by taking part in extra-curricular activities. 

We provide this in a number of ways:

  • Differentiated lessons
  • Extra-Curricular activities (UKMT Challenge, UK Mathematics Feast, STEM Club)
  • Educational opportunities, visits and trips (University of Hertfordshire, Oxford, Cambridge – events organised by the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme)

As well as providing appropriate support in school, it is vital that Most Able students have a range of external support to help them achieve their full potential. As parents or guardians, you can help support your child by:

  • Providing an effective learning environment at home
  • Taking an active interest in their school work (including homework)
  • Encourage discussion and questioning about their education
  • Praising achievement and progress
  • Providing opportunities for extra-curricular encouragement

Below are some very useful websites to support Most Able Students:

If you need to contact the Mathematics department regarding this, the following people are available to help:

  • Your child’s Mathematics teacher
  • Mrs N Basak (Most Able Coordinator for Mathematics)
  • Mr M Rashid (Assistant Curriculum Leader of Mathematics)