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Raising the achievement of All

About The School

Icknield High School is one of the most successful high schools in Luton and has been held in high esteem by the local community since it was built in 1949.

It is one of the largest schools in Luton which reflects the popularity of the School with parents and the fact we are heavily over-subscribed for the 295 places on offer each year for Year 7. The parents value not only the high academic standards but the pastoral care in the School which results in students being able to develop and thrive in a secure and safe environment.

Icknield is a truly inclusive school catering for the full range of ability with a specialist provision for the Hearing Impaired and the foundation for our continuing success is based upon the Respect and CARES agenda which resonates throughout everything the School does.

When the students leave in Year 11, the vast majority not only progress to further education but move forward into Higher Education with students going to a range of universities including Oxford and Cambridge.

Icknield’s last Ofsted in 2021 rated the School as Good but the ambition of the School will always be to strive for Outstanding status in all aspects of its work, providing the students with a first class education for life.